Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rambling on a Sunday

This happens sometimes: having so many disjointed thoughts in my head, all clamoring to be written down, but I don't even have an idea of where or how to begin. So they usually end up just floating away as the cursor keeps blinking and the page remains blank.

I'm struggling with that right now, as I started the afternoon with an idea of what to write, and ended up here on this rainy night, with a dozen other ways to start a blog entry that had nothing to do with my original idea.

For one, I wanted to talk more about being an introvert, especially as I progress steadily with this book. I'm now at the chapters that discuss biology, and how introversion and extroversion may be traced to how specific parts of the brain function differently in each individual. The more I read, the more convinced I am that I am an introvert who has somehow ended up in jobs that require and put a premium on being an extrovert. No wonder I haven't been immensely successful on the career front-- you can only keep a facade for so long, and your true colors end up shining through, no matter how soft and muted they may be.

Then a little voice inside me said that it would be too serious a topic to talk about introversion again, so I wanted instead to talk about the two old movies I had watched in the past two weeks:

But then I don't really have anything profound to say about these two films. I only appreciated Dustin Hoffman's talent, realized that Tom Cruise could do a movie that wasn't like Mission Impossible, and wanted to know more about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I guess writing movie reviews isn't my cup of tea, and I'm really just someone who likes to watch movies to be entertained.

And I was not only entertained, but also touched when I watched this movie today with my sister and parents:

While I felt that some characters were not fleshed out as much as I'd like, I still found myself crying during the movie's climax. I think movies with family themes just really get to me in a different way-- after all, I still cry over Stepmom all. the. time. This was a good movie over-all, and I think that casting was superb. Good job, Star Cinema!

I used to analyze books and movies a lot, and now I find that it can be so tiresome to just overthink these things. It's better to just sit back, relax, and read a good book or see a good movie!

**Photos courtesy of Google Images

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